2016-2017 Paintings Recent Works Shadows without Order The Naked Tree, Craiglockhart The Sound of Trees II Sweet Peas, (from the Hermitage) From-Holyrood-Dusk A Winter’s Night The Shape of the Land, (from Holyrood) From-Holyrood Into Light Watching the Clouds Pass, (from Craiglockhart) The Night around me will be Light In the Light of Darkness Edge of a Dark Light Pentlands Hedgerow I Out from the Darkness, (From Holyrood) Free Summer Days, (Studio Garden, Oxgangs) Pentland Hedgerow III The Sound of Trees I A Winters Night My Name is Rose The Pale Year The Lark,’tween Lght and Dark From Craiglockhart Pentlands Hedgerow II Verbenna and Sparrows, Oxgangs Garden A Light Dawn Fly into the Wilderness to her Place Light Cycles, (from the Pentland Hills) Night-Shining White Summer Hedgerow, ( from-Blackford) The Lazy Mist (T Wood, The Pentlands) Night Shapes The Song Silenced Pleasure in Darkness, (from the Pentland Hills) The Dark Earth and the Light Sky Little Sweet Pea, (from The Hermitage) <